bank outsourcing servicesIntegrity Statements’ Bank Outsourcing Services allows your banking institution to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and market to your customers. Integrity Statements offers a full-service banking solution that includes bank statement printing, mailing, e-statements, and SMS Text services. We work with you and/or your core provider, like Jack Henry, Fiserv and others, to create a custom solution to work for your institution.

Custom Bank Statement Printing Services for the Banking Industry

Integrity Statements can help your institution reduce costs and improve the accuracy and compliance of outgoing customer communications. Whether your bank serves a local, regional or international customer base, Integrity Statements can tailor an integrated print and mail services solution to fit your document output and delivery requirements.

Integrity Statements offers other banking institution services like integrated e-statement services, marketing communication services, and other electronic presentment and document delivery methods.

Because Integrity Statements bank statement processing, finishing, and tracking are performed onsite under one roof in a strictly controlled environment, you can rest easy knowing data is handled securely and all deliveries are timely—even with large quantities.

As a result, outsourcing with Integrity Statements offers many benefits. Some of these include lower paper, postage, and operational costs and improvements on the quality and accuracy of outgoing statements, letters, and notices.

Bank Industry Print and Mailing Solutions

In the banking industry, each institution has different needs. That’s why Integrity Statements offers customized solutions that fit your specific requirements. A full list of services for statement printing, processing, and mailing also include bank statement redesign and document management tools such as:

  • Personalized Bank Document Redesign and whitespace management
  • Automated Targeted messaging and inserting
  • Full-digital color printing
  • Inline check printing
  • Electronic presentment (Mobile optimized, document processing control, data formatting tools)
  • Bank statement redesign tools, give you full control over the messaging and branding.
  • Co-mingling and inline postal sorting

Types of Bank Documents Produced at Integrity Statements

We understand your responsibility to serve your customers at a high level, which means supplying financial and informational needs in the most secure, convenient, and efficient manner possible. Therefore, in today’s competitive environment, this requires the timely production and delivery of a wide range of personalized customer documents including printed and e-documents.

Examples of banking industry documents produced by our statement processing department, in our certified secure printing facility include:

  • Deposit, checking, savings statements
  • Compliance letters and notices
  • Trust statements
  • Credit card statements
  • Year-End Tax Forms
  • Loan documentation
  • Privacy mailings
  • Welcome and special fulfillment packages
  • Personalized direct marketing mailers

SMS Text Message for Banking Services

In contrast, as the younger generations grow, it’s important to serve them in the quickest way possible. Effortlessly send both account notifications and marketing messages via SMS Text Message with Integrity Statements.

Above all, we would be honored to discuss your institutions’ needs with statement printing and see how we can help cut costs and improve the quality and efficiency of your bank statement printing needs. Let’s start a conversation today.

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